Online visitor tax-app: Advantages for landlords and businesses
Traders benefit from an additional distribution channel – free of charge, with a high reach.
Fewer tasks for landlordsieter
If a guest uses the system, your tasks as landlord are reduced and limited to checking the registration and, if necessary, printing the registration form. Through digital payment, the guest pays the visitor tax tickets directly to the municipality. Time-consuming settlements between you and the municipality are no longer necessary.
Marketing advantages for businesses
The new, digital visitor’s tax management also offers advantages for service providers and businesses. Post your offers or discounts in the app and reach every guest who comes to the town. This guarantees you a high reach.
Guide2 GmbH
Kleiweg 1
25881 Tating
Tel.: +49 4863 998969-0
Fax: +49 4863 998969-9